Steramine®农场 & 兽医

类别: 消费品牌

Use Steramine® as a manual sanitizer for bulk tanks, utensils, and 乳品设备. 也能除臭.

EPA注册编号. 10324-63-3640

产品编号 1205274, 1202778, 1202549
老产品# St-13, st-147, st-204
乳制品卫生乳制品卫生 消毒液
EPA注册编号. 10324-63-3640

#1205274 - 4x1加仑箱
#2103850 - 5加仑桶
#1202778 - 15加仑桶
#1202549 - 55加仑桶

It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.

PREPARATION OF DISINFECTION/FUNGICIDAL/VIRUCIDAL USE SOLUTION: 使用本产品前, food products and packaging materials must be removed from the room or carefully protected. Add 3 fluid ounces per 5 gallons of water (or equivalent use dilution) (469 ppm active quat) to disinfect hard non-porous surfaces. Apply this product with a cloth, 拖把 or mechanical spray device. When applied with a mechanical spray device, surfaces must be sprayed until thoroughly wetted. 处理后的表面必须保持湿润10分钟. For sprayer applications, use a coarse pump or trigger sprayer. 喷离表面6-8英寸. 用刷子、海绵或布擦拭. 不要吸入喷雾. 冲洗或晾干. Rinsing of floors is not necessary unless they are to be waxed or polished. Rinse all surfaces that come in contact with food such as 台面, 电器, 桌子和灶台在重复使用前用饮用水. 不使用本品清洗或消毒餐具, 玻璃器皿, 餐具或器具的内部表面. Prepare a fresh solution at least daily or when use solution becomes visibly dirty.

Note: With spray applications, cover or remove all food products. For heavily soiled areas, a preliminary cleaning is required.

Sanitizing of Food Processing Equipment and Other Hard Surfaces in Food Processing Locations, 奶牛场, Restaurants and Bars Directions: For sanitizing food processing equipment, 乳品设备, 食品用具, 菜, 银器, 眼镜, 水槽顶部, 台面, refrigerated storage and display equipment and other hard non-porous surfaces. 不允许使用饮用水冲洗.

申请前, remove gross food particles and soil by a pre-flush or pre-scrape and when necessary, 预浸. Then thoroughly wash or flush objects with a good detergent or compatible cleaner, followed by a potable water rinse before applications of the sanitizing solution.

Before use as a sanitizer in federally inspected meat and poultry plants and dairies, food products and packaging materials must be removed from the room or carefully protected. A potable water rinse is not allowed following the use of this product as a sanitizer on previously cleaned hard nonporous surfaces provided that the surfaces are adequately drained before contact with food so that little or no residue remains.

Apply a solution of 1 ounce of this product in 4 gallons of water, (or equivalent use dilution) (200 ppm active) OR mix a 1 ounce packet with 4 gallons of water, 对precleaned, 用抹布彻底浸湿坚硬的表面, 拖把, 海绵, 喷雾或浸没. For spray applications, use a coarse pump or trigger sprayer. Spray 6 to 8 inches from surface, rub with brush, 海绵, or cloth. 不要吸入喷雾. 用喷雾覆盖或去除所有食品. From a Closed Loop Dilution Center, apply 200 ppm active solution to the surface to be sanitized. Surfaces should remain wet for at least 1 minute followed by adequate draining and air drying. A fresh solution should be prepared at least daily or when use solution becomes visibly dirty. For mechanical application use solution may not be reused for sanitizing applications. 不允许使用饮用水冲洗 AFTER APPLICATION OF THE SANITIZING SOLUTION.

适用于水槽顶部, 台面, refrigerated storage and display equipment and other stationary hard surfaces by cloth or brush or mechanical spray device. 作为消毒剂使用后,不允许使用饮用水冲洗.

菜, 银器, 眼镜, cooking utensils and other similar size food processing equipment can be sanitized by immersion in a 1 ounce per 4 gallons solution of this product (200 ppm active). 不允许使用饮用水冲洗.

奶牛使用说明: 的乳房, flanks and teats of dairy cows can be washed with a solution of 1 oz of this product in 4 gallons of warm water. 为每头奶牛使用一条干净的毛巾. 避免污物和泥土污染洗涤液. 不要把用过的毛巾浸回洗涤液中. When solution becomes visibly dirty, discard and provide fresh solution.

To sanitize previously cleaned food-grade eggs in shell egg and egg product processing plants, spray with a solution of 1 ounce of this product per 4 gallons of warm water (or equivalent use dilution) (200 ppm active). The solution should be warmer than the eggs, but not to exceed 130°F. 把鸡蛋彻底弄湿,沥干水分. Eggs sanitized with this product shall be subjected to a potable water rinse only if they are to be broken immediately for use in the manufacture of egg products. 鸡蛋在剥壳或打碎之前应该相当干燥. 该溶液不应重复用于鸡蛋消毒.

注意:只有干净的全鸡蛋才能消毒. 脏的、破裂的或穿孔的鸡蛋不能消毒.

Disinfection of Poultry/Turkey Equipment, Swine Quarters, Animal Quarters and Kennels. 消毒前, 清除所有家禽, 其他动物和他们的饲料从房屋卡车, 鸡笼和板条箱. 清除地板上的所有垃圾、粪便和粪肥, 谷仓的墙壁和表面, 笔, 摊位, chutes and other facilities and fixtures occupied or traversed by animals. Empty all 低谷, racks and other feeding and watering 电器. Thoroughly clean all surfaces with soap or detergent and rinse with water. Use 4 ounces of this product per 5 gallons of water (or equivalent use dilution) (625 ppm active quat). Saturate surfaces with the recommended disinfecting solution for a period of 10 minutes. 浸泡所有笼头, ropes and other types of equipment used in handling and restraining animals, 还有叉子, 铲子, 刮刀用来清除垃圾和粪便.

After disinfection, ventilate buildings, coops and other closed spaces. 不要饲养家禽, or other animals or employ equipment until treatment has been absorbed, 定型或干燥.
All treated equipment that will contact feed or drinking water (racks, 低谷, 自动喂食器, fountains and waterers) must be thoroughly scrubbed with soap or detergent then rinsed with potable water before reuse


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